Thursday, May 7, 2009

Crisis and Opportunity

So many people are having financial stress. I'm not just reading about it, I'm listening to my clients and friends tell their stories. This is definitely a crisis. So, where is the opportunity? Of course there are opportunities to make money but, that isn't what I'm talking about. Here is an opportunity to rise above negativity, poverty, hopelessness and defeat both in our own consciousness and in the world (Is there a difference?). This is an opportunity to help, to ease suffering, to offer hope or to offer a smile. If we are healers and helpers, we have to be able to help when the world really needs it, not when it fits our schedules. We have to be able to see beyond the illusion, to act as a guide when our friends, family or clients are searching for something positive. We have to overcome our own negative crap so we can show others how to overcome theirs. So, don't give up. We are all in this energy field together. As you work to help yourself, your courage, resourcefulness, determination and healing helps every one of us. Deep down, consciously or unconsciously, we love you for it.

1 comment:

Rena said...

Hi Randy,
I'm enjoying your blog, especially the yin & yang post. I've added EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to my practice in life & have been sharing that technique with others as it can serve as an emotional healing balm during these times. I've been using it on many different issues for years & can unreservedly recommend it. If you aren't familiar with it, more info is at

I'm somewhat hesitant to admit that the world situtation has brought me some peace. I felt like I was living in an insane world, a dolphin amid sharks, and now more dolphins are arriving & the sharks are retreating.

This crisis has created an opportunity for people to really take a look at their values and an opportunity to create positive change in their lives.

You were one of my massage instructors (one of the best!) & another former student & I still fondly bring your name up at times.