Tuesday, November 17, 2009


Cheers to the U.S. Preventive Services Taskforce who recommend no mammograms before age 50 (and find little benefit before age 60). It's past time to stop suggesting this unnecessary exposure to radiation and start encouraging safer and more useful approaches like thermography.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


When the world seems to be moving faster and faster...when there is more and more to do in less and less time...when stress is high and (as a result) your immune system is low...
Take a breath.
Remember what your priorities are. Think about how you can:
1. stay healthy
2. stay connected with loved ones
3. stay aware, alert and alive
4. stay smiling
Now...make your appointment for massage or bodywork.

Monday, November 2, 2009


My significant other gave me a homeopathic medicine to avoid flu this season. Personally, I think getting the flu and having two or three days of bed rest leading to a stronger immune system is preferable to the frantic and dangerous "swine phobia" that seems to have gripped the country. Still, it was a loving act (and I didn't pay for it) so...why not? I did some superficial research and influenzinum seems a reasonable approach to avoiding flu (including swine flu). It's easy to find (and cheaper to buy) on-line. I was fascinated by the higher dose (200c) approach although she purchased a series of 9c vials. I have taken one dose so far and I think I did notice a mild effect. At any rate, if you are looking for a safe way to avoid flu, this one is probably worth trying. It seems to be a smarter and far safer approach than any vaccine.