Thursday, January 29, 2009


Slow, snowy days give us time to catch up on all the things we never find time for. This week, I've been able to do yoga and meditate on a daily basis, refine some seminar material, read some great books and work on my own growth and healing. Plus, in an attempt to stay warm, I've drunk lots of decaf green tea. If you are worried about the economy, try shifting your state of consciousness to one of gratitude. A slow down has benefits for nearly everyone. We just have to recognize them. Since we have all created our individual realities, there must be a reason. Find it and appreciate it. Five minutes of love and gratitude create very positive changes in your blood chemistry which last about six hours. Five minutes of anger create changes too but, not so positive. If you can shift to a loving, grateful state of mind, it won't take long for your external reality to catch up. Let's have a great week! Then we can work on having a great year.

Friday, January 23, 2009


How much work is too much? We hear motivational speakers talk about the enormous things they accomlished by being totally committed and working 24/7. They seem happy and eager to be role models. Then we hear about older people near the end of their lives who say that if they had it to do over, they would work less and play more. Like everything else in life, there seems to be a balance involved. There is also a question of knowing yourself. Are you a rabbit or a tortoise? Some people are totally happy working long hours while others find it stressful and unreasonable. Some people thrive on deadlines while others develop ulcers. Are you a people person? You may need a job with lots of social interaction. If you are more introverted, you may much prefer a cubicle. The key to staying healthy and happy comes down to knowing yourself. When you know what you need, then you can create just the right situation/job/relationship for you. Creating the right situation for you minimizes stress and stress is the primary source of injury, illness and unhappiness. So, no matter how fast your lifestyle, take time to meditate. It is one of the best ways to get to know yourself. The practice will take you deep inside yourself, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, increase your energy and improve your performance. If you are a type A person, know that it will help you to get more accomplished and may even increase your income. If you are the opposite, you may find more motivation and enthusiasm. Either way, you'll move toward balance and contentment. Then, next time someone tells you that they work 80 hours a week (or 20 hours a week), you can smile and say, "Good for you!"
Enjoy the Sunshine.

Monday, January 19, 2009


I am just so happy and honored to be seeing the transformation this country is going through right now. I feel a little nervous that it may not last...that this is just another illusion of greatness or that with one false step we could slide right back into the fear and ignorance of the past decade. That concern is, unfortunately, far too realistic. Still, no matter how long lived, we have accomplished something great. We have given hope to a desparate population and to the entire world. Perhaps it will always be a truth that we can swing from one extreme to another with many people too busy (or too far in denial) to notice. For the rest of us, this is truly an awesome time. I am proud to share it with you.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Emotional Freedom Technique

It's chilly tonight! Moderate, I suppose, by Wisconsin standards but, still worth staying inside from my perspective. I've been using my indoor time to study Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) through a DVD course and I highly recommend the method and the course. You can find it at EFT is something which can be integrated into a variety of healing methods (you know how I love integration!). It is also excellent for self-healing. I have recommended the course to several clients so that they would have tools to treat themselves. Believe me, EFT can clear issues and trauma much faster than conventional psychotherapy. It can relieve physical pain and discomfort as well. Of course, for best results and/or serious problems, find a therapist who specializes in EFT or Energy Psychology. In my opinion, the self-care aspect is a complement to professional care, not a replacement. That goes for most alternative methods and practices. Books, seminars and study groups do not make one a professional. Western medicine may have gone astray but, we still need professionals to guide and support us in our healing journeys. The best mental or physical healers will provide tools and guidance which empower us to take responsibility for our own healing. They will also be there to pick us up when we fall and to encourage us when we give up. Without them, our paths would be dangerous and often end in failure. Remember as you learn, heal and grow stronger that we need each other. Healing, and life, is about relationship.
Stay warm.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How do you think about Healing?

We all know that healing can be an opportunity for growth. Many people who have survived life threatening events or illness now consider it the very best thing that ever happened to them. I would take that a step further. Your illness (condition/situation) is not something that could be used for growth. It is occurring because growth is required. The reason for your condition is to get your attention and to motivate you to change. It may be just a small change that is required. It could be a new way of thinking about diet, letting go of some anger or resentment, opening your heart to a loved one or just slowing down. It could be a deeper, life-long issue which finally needs to be addressed. Whatever the message from your illness or injury, ignoring it is not the road to healing. I often see people continue to suffer because they refuse to look deeper and that is frustrating to me. If you are on a journey of healing, open your heart and mind to the symbolism and the message of what you are trying to heal. Be willing to experiment with a new perspective. I can support you on many levels. Other health professionals are also available. It may not be an easy path but, it will be amazing.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Book Recommendation

I just finished reading a book called "The Body Language of Illness". It is important reading for healers and for anyone trying to heal themselves. I wasn't overly excited by the writing style but, sparkling gems of truth were scattered abundantly throughout. It really does have just about everything that you need to know. You can find the book on the Recommended Reading page of my website under the category: "Bodymind healing". If you want to heal...READ!
Happy Saturday

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Welcome to my first post in the year 2009. I plan to have a very quiet day. No plans, no goals, very few things to do. I definitely will be meditating and perhaps beginning a project or two if they seem like fun. I know this year will bring its own challenges but, I am excited about the treasures yet to be uncovered and the lessons involved in finding them. I won't miss 2008.
Have a peaceful and prosperous journey for the next twelve months.