Friday, February 27, 2009

Book Recommendation

I recommend that anyone interested in health and healing read Energy Medicine by Donna Eden. It is filled with useful tidbits like exercises to do when you feel like you are coming down with something / when you are feeling afraid / even when you are in the bathtub. It teaches about muscle testing, meridians, chakras and much more. I found it very readable and useful.

Monday, February 23, 2009


There is so much confusion and misinformation about nurtition. Some of it is unavoidable because of dis-information and special interests. Our own individuality adds to the confusion. We all want to think that there is one diet, one supplement, one doctor or one therapy that is THE one for everyone. It just ain't so. Most alternative therapies have ways of evaluating the client to determine what the individual needs at a particular time. Some of those ways include muscle testing (see Touch For Health), reading pulses (Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine), using the craniosacral rhythm (craniosacral therapy) or electronic methods (there are a variety of electro-diagnostic devices available today). Conventional medicine uses blood tests, urine tests and saliva tests which I consider more limited. Until you decide to do elaborate testing and analysis to determine your nutritional needs, here is a simple alternative. Try keeping a "Diet Diary". For one or two weeks, write down everything you eat. Then write down how you feel immediately after the meal, two hours after the meal, at the end of each day and when you first wake up. You will most likely see interesting patterns of symptoms, feelings or behaviors after eating certain foods. When do you have more energy? When do you have headaches or feel irritable? Your body is your most reliable guide and the one healer that you can trust completely. Enjoy the journey let me know what you learn.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Thank you for your comments. I appreciate the opportunity to meet like-minded people...or at least to be touched by their thoughts and insights.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Isolation and growth

Much of our population feels lonely and isolated. If you want to feel part of a community, become actively involved in personal growth and healing. When you take action in the form of growth related seminars, volunteering or some other process in which others are involved, you will not only benefit from the activity, you will meet others who are on the same path. Sharing a difficult task like healing or growing builds friendship, community and love. Not sure where to start? Try exploring Landmark Education or the Human Awareness Institute. There are many other options. Make the investment. The direction is less important than the journey...and the intention to not go it alone. Love will find you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Energy Psychology

I have been trading bodywork sessions for sessions of energy psychology. This method of psychotherapy is based on the concept that pain and dysfunction (mental, physical or emotional) is a result of blocked energies in the body. To many of you, that should sound familiar. I use "touch" to balance and harmonize energies in the body. All of the methods and therapies I use could be categorized as "Touch Therapies". Energy psychology uses touch as well, although the patient can do their own touching (usually tapping) and some individual techniques do not involve touch. One energy psychology method I have already mentioned is Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT). Others include Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Tapas Acupuncture Technique(TAT), Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) and more. I am finding these approaches to be powerful and healing. If you are dealing with stress in any form or are on a path of growth and healing, please look into these therapies for yourself. They are light years ahead of talk therapy alone. Don't forget to include bodywork in your health strategy!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Sorry about the lapse in blog posts. I have been distracted by those deep, persistent questions with elusive answers. Anyone else wondering about the meaning of life lately? The process has led me to re-evaluate my directions and way of working with clients. For one thing, I am now adding 15 minute therapy sessions to my list of services. I had a belief that more time is needed to do things right but, I have realized that time is a more flexible concept than I had previously thought. I may also be offering some new therapies. We'll see how much continuing education I can afford this year. Meanwhile, I am deepening my practice of yoga and meditation. I know that as I go deeper within myself, I can give more to others. That is the real key. I can increase my effectiveness and my enjoyment of the process at the same time. Plus...meditation is free! Have a growthful week!