Monday, February 23, 2009


There is so much confusion and misinformation about nurtition. Some of it is unavoidable because of dis-information and special interests. Our own individuality adds to the confusion. We all want to think that there is one diet, one supplement, one doctor or one therapy that is THE one for everyone. It just ain't so. Most alternative therapies have ways of evaluating the client to determine what the individual needs at a particular time. Some of those ways include muscle testing (see Touch For Health), reading pulses (Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine), using the craniosacral rhythm (craniosacral therapy) or electronic methods (there are a variety of electro-diagnostic devices available today). Conventional medicine uses blood tests, urine tests and saliva tests which I consider more limited. Until you decide to do elaborate testing and analysis to determine your nutritional needs, here is a simple alternative. Try keeping a "Diet Diary". For one or two weeks, write down everything you eat. Then write down how you feel immediately after the meal, two hours after the meal, at the end of each day and when you first wake up. You will most likely see interesting patterns of symptoms, feelings or behaviors after eating certain foods. When do you have more energy? When do you have headaches or feel irritable? Your body is your most reliable guide and the one healer that you can trust completely. Enjoy the journey let me know what you learn.

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