Monday, November 2, 2009


My significant other gave me a homeopathic medicine to avoid flu this season. Personally, I think getting the flu and having two or three days of bed rest leading to a stronger immune system is preferable to the frantic and dangerous "swine phobia" that seems to have gripped the country. Still, it was a loving act (and I didn't pay for it) so...why not? I did some superficial research and influenzinum seems a reasonable approach to avoiding flu (including swine flu). It's easy to find (and cheaper to buy) on-line. I was fascinated by the higher dose (200c) approach although she purchased a series of 9c vials. I have taken one dose so far and I think I did notice a mild effect. At any rate, if you are looking for a safe way to avoid flu, this one is probably worth trying. It seems to be a smarter and far safer approach than any vaccine.

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