Friday, January 23, 2009


How much work is too much? We hear motivational speakers talk about the enormous things they accomlished by being totally committed and working 24/7. They seem happy and eager to be role models. Then we hear about older people near the end of their lives who say that if they had it to do over, they would work less and play more. Like everything else in life, there seems to be a balance involved. There is also a question of knowing yourself. Are you a rabbit or a tortoise? Some people are totally happy working long hours while others find it stressful and unreasonable. Some people thrive on deadlines while others develop ulcers. Are you a people person? You may need a job with lots of social interaction. If you are more introverted, you may much prefer a cubicle. The key to staying healthy and happy comes down to knowing yourself. When you know what you need, then you can create just the right situation/job/relationship for you. Creating the right situation for you minimizes stress and stress is the primary source of injury, illness and unhappiness. So, no matter how fast your lifestyle, take time to meditate. It is one of the best ways to get to know yourself. The practice will take you deep inside yourself, lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, increase your energy and improve your performance. If you are a type A person, know that it will help you to get more accomplished and may even increase your income. If you are the opposite, you may find more motivation and enthusiasm. Either way, you'll move toward balance and contentment. Then, next time someone tells you that they work 80 hours a week (or 20 hours a week), you can smile and say, "Good for you!"
Enjoy the Sunshine.

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