Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Emotional Freedom Technique

It's chilly tonight! Moderate, I suppose, by Wisconsin standards but, still worth staying inside from my perspective. I've been using my indoor time to study Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) through a DVD course and I highly recommend the method and the course. You can find it at EFT is something which can be integrated into a variety of healing methods (you know how I love integration!). It is also excellent for self-healing. I have recommended the course to several clients so that they would have tools to treat themselves. Believe me, EFT can clear issues and trauma much faster than conventional psychotherapy. It can relieve physical pain and discomfort as well. Of course, for best results and/or serious problems, find a therapist who specializes in EFT or Energy Psychology. In my opinion, the self-care aspect is a complement to professional care, not a replacement. That goes for most alternative methods and practices. Books, seminars and study groups do not make one a professional. Western medicine may have gone astray but, we still need professionals to guide and support us in our healing journeys. The best mental or physical healers will provide tools and guidance which empower us to take responsibility for our own healing. They will also be there to pick us up when we fall and to encourage us when we give up. Without them, our paths would be dangerous and often end in failure. Remember as you learn, heal and grow stronger that we need each other. Healing, and life, is about relationship.
Stay warm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well this technique really rocks for sure. I love it.