Sunday, April 19, 2009


Interesting how attached people can be to their beliefs, attitudes and even their favorite sayings. I often feel compelled to question something when everyone else in a group seems to accept it without critique. Many statements are "politically correct" for a certain group and are accepted because they are familiar and comfortable. "Follow your heart" seems true and important partly because it contradicts conventional wisdom in our culture to "think before you act". Neither statement is reasonable in all situations. They are not supposed to be. They are cliches. Positive thinking is helpful except when it isn't. Is it always "good" to be happy? Research shows that pessimists make more rational decisions. Someone who is joyful all the time probably has serious health problems from the perspective of Traditional Chinese Medicine. My point is that people tend to over-simplify life on Earth. We all would like there to be easy to read maps, directions and principles. Unfortunately the ones that do exist seem very individualized. People can't agree on which ones are true. So find what works for you. By all means, pick some beliefs, principles, values and quotations. Experiment with them. Use them. Have fun with them. Just don't confuse them with reality.
Stay engaged.

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