Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Yin and Yang

I've been busy with life. I don't like to be too busy and the economic slow down created a pace that I could get used to. Still, it didn't take long to become busy with creative endeavors like working on my consciousness, developing new seminars and catching up on obligatory paperwork, renewals and continuing education. Being busy (yang, expansive, external, masculine) has a drug-like feel to it. It creates stress but, also an adrenal "high". When you combine that with the increased income and prestige that productivity earns in our society, it's easy to see how it can become addictive (and why caffeine is our favorite drug). Even in my internal work, I've been really good with affirmations lately (more yang) and not so good with meditation (more yin, internal, receptive, feminine). If I want to harmonize the masculine and feminine (sort of like India and Pakistan in my subconscious) I could focus on that one behavior. Valuing (easy) and regularly practicing (not so easy) meditation would nurture the feminine principle and bring peace, health and joy in multiple ways. Can I do it? I don't know. Ask me about it. Don't let me get away with avoiding it.

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