Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Learning and Wisdom

I love to learn and I appreciate other people who share the same addiction. This weekend I will be in Daytona Beach teaching Touch For Health Kinesiology level 1. There are 18 people in the class and feel the excitement of sharing valuable material with students who really want to learn. I have always believed that we come to this planet in order to learn and grow. It sometimes seems that certain individuals have avoided that task and that even age doesn't guarantee wisdom. Yet, I can never be sure what changes a person has gone through or what particular lessons he or she came here to learn. Perhaps the outward signs of intelligence and wisdom are a projection of our own distorted lenses, an illusion which we have created in order to have something to aspire to. Can we ever "know" anything? Besides, since I firmly believe that we create our own reality, I have to concede that I create every encounter with every individual in my life. Therefore each client, acquaintance, friend and enemy is there for a reason. For me to judge a person or get angry because of who they are is like cursing a textbook because I can't understand the material (O.K., maybe I've done that too). So, I'm learning to be more accepting, slowly but continually. Some learning is fun. The most important lessons are usually less fun. I'm learning that as well. May your lessons in life be gentle.

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