Monday, March 2, 2009


I've noticed a change in my bodywork skills over the last few days. It's more accurately a change in consciousness. I was performing shiatsu to a client's back recently when I noticed that I was tuning into much more information than ever before. Pressing some points I suddenly felt the client's entire energy system. I sensed the ebb and flow of current through the area where my thumbs were pressing and I held until the sensation seemed balanced and harmonious. On other points, I tuned into the tissue. I allowed my thumbs to surf the micro movements, slightly adjusting pressure and direction according to the body's invitation while maintaining static pressure on the acupuncture points. I felt totally melded with the client even though part of my attention always remained on the connection between my two thumbs. The client sunk into a deep sleep. I've had similar experiences but, never so clear or sustained. It reminded me of the power and responsibility inherent in bodywork and healing. It reminded me of why I chose this path and all that I've gained from it. I have so much to be grateful for. What about you?

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