Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Full Moon

What do you think about full moons? I know research says that it doesn't affect crime rates and such but, it does affect me. I often find myself fatigued and even depressed during a full moon. It isn't suggestion. Many times I don't even know it is a full moon until it is eventually pointed out to me. However badly I am feeling, once I can attribute the cause to the full moon, I feel almost immediately better. That's because I know it is only temporary. Nothing seems quite as bad when we know it won't last much longer. It's even better when we can blame it on something outside ourselves. What's that? I said there is NOTHING outside ourselves? Well, give me a break...and stop listening to everything I say! I enjoy a good illusion as much as the next guy. I'm NOT grumpy. It's the moon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can see better at night and that may bring more people out on full moons. Increased activity might account for report of extra strange activities.