Monday, March 16, 2009

Super Saturday Seminars

I scheduled three seminars today. These are what I call Super Saturday seminars. They are designed to be shorter and less expensive than weekend seminars and are not necessarily aimed at health professionals. "Energetic Keys to Total Health" (June 6) is a Saturday afternoon class created especially for my clients. It provides strategies for self-healing and for maximizing the effectiveness of bodywork. It teaches fundamental concepts about energy, health and healing and lists resources where you can learn even more. Anyone who is in the process of healing can benefit from this class. The other two seminars are for people who want to deepen their understanding of energy medicine and learn some basic healing skills which could be used for themselves or others. "Energy Healing" is a full day offered April 25. "Meridians for Body workers" (just what it sounds like) is scheduled for October. A weekend class called "Touch For Health Kinesiology" (scheduled in late June) is another one I believe non-professionals would receive great benefits from. I hope many of you take advantage of these classes because knowledge is key to getting well and staying well. You can find my complete seminar calendar on my website.
Keep Learning!

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