Friday, March 20, 2009


Isn't it interesting how everything we are accustomed to seems normal and reasonable? Our bodies seem normal as long as they feel consistently familiar. A friend told me that she once thought that everyone's neck hurt when they turned their heads. She believed it to be normal until she received bodywork that eliminated the pain. Clients arrive with various levels of tension, pain and imbalance thinking they are treating themselves but, not realizing that the treatment is much more of a necessity than a luxury. They feel pretty healthy! "Aren't shoulders or hips supposed to be asymmetrical?", they ask. "Isn't every one tense?" "Isn't some degree of pain normal?" I don't know. If the front tires of your car pointed in slightly different directions, would that be normal? If your house leaned to one side, would that be normal? If alarms are going off in your house or red lights blinking on your dashboard, is that normal? Pain is one of those alarms. Pain is the red light that says. "HELLO! SOMETHING NEEDS ATTENTION HERE!" Pain is our friend. It protects us more effectively than any other sense that we have. Despite what the pharmaceutical companies and their medical associates tell you, drugs are not the answer. Taking pills for pain is like cutting the wire under the dashboard so that annoying red light stops blinking. I know there could be an occasional short in the car's electrical system that requires cutting the wire but, most of the time, that would not be an intelligent strategy. Let's step away from the TV, put down the Tylenol and think about what is causing the pain. You are the only one who really knows why you are in pain and how to fix it. No one has a magic pill that will heal you. Few doctors have the time to explore your life and discover the underlying issues, the real reasons for your pain. Touch Therapy (massage, craniosacral, energy medicine) can support you and speed up the process. It may even help you get some insight about the problem but, it's your body. It's your job to heal it. If you ignore the warning signs and just hope the problems will go away, well...good luck with that. Hope your car gets better too.

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